4 Ways To Lead a Healthier Lifestyle

It’s not always easy to know the first place you can begin when it comes to making adjustments in your life for your health and wellbeing. Some people tell you exercise, some say diet, and some even suggest making little changes in all areas all at once! It can be a little overwhelming, and often, instead of making any changes, people give up and make absolutely zero. This isn’t a good idea, and will do nothing but set you back in the long run when it comes to your overall health!

Physical therapy at TheraFit™ Physical Therapy & Fitness Center offers a way to stay fit and active while being closely monitored by a professional. However, if you’re looking for a few small suggestions that will leave you feeling healthy, energized, and much more fit at home, keep on reading!

Stretch Your Body!

Before getting out of bed, stretch your arms to the ceiling. Move your hands, wrists, and flex your fingers. Take a deep breath. Fill your lungs and stretch your stomach. Tighten and release your legs, calves, ankles, feet, and toes. You can end this little routine by sitting up, putting your legs over the edge of your bed, and stretching your neck and back. In doing this, you loosen each muscle and increase the flow of oxygen. This healthy approach to your morning routine will leave you much more energized!

Some people like to do yoga for their daily morning stretches. If that’s something that interests you, below are 7 suggested yoga stretches to do in the morning.

  • Child’s Pose:
  • Downward-Facing Dog
  • One-Legged Dog
  • Warrior 1 Post:
  • Mountain Pose
  • Standing Bending Forward Pose

Doing these stretches loosens up your limbs as well as the muscles and tissues that might become stiff overnight as you’re asleep, unmoving. This is a great way to start the day and get you feeling a little bit more awake.

Drink Enough Water

Healthline states, “Water plays many roles in your body, including maintaining electrolyte balance and blood pressure, lubricating joints, regulating body temperature, and promoting cell health.” Staying hydrated throughout the day is critical if you want to remain healthy and keep health problems at bay! There are many ways you can incorporate more water intake into your routine.

  • Set a daily water intake goal for yourself.
  • Keep a reusable water bottle on hand.
  • Replace caffeinated drinks (sodas, coffee, energy drinks) with water.
  • Drink one glass of water before eating.
  • Invest in a quality water filtration system to make sure your water actually tastes good.

Get Daily Exercise

Exercising may not be your thing, however, it’s important to have some sort of physical activity in your routine. Whether it is a 2-minute jog in place or a 15-minute yoga session, find a way to get physical activity in!

It not only helps your body to be healthier from a physical standpoint, it also helps your mental health as well. If you’re struggling to figure out good ways to fit more physical activity into your everyday routine, physical therapy could be a great option for you as well. Contact our office to speak with one of our therapists about incorporating

If pain is holding you back, our physical therapists can help. Give us a call; we'll help make every morning a better one!

Maintain a Healthy Diet

There are many benefits to healthy eating, including increased energy, and lower amounts of inflammation. Certain foods have been known to alleviate inflammation, where some foods can aggravate it. According to Harvard Health Publishing, “A lot of chronic pain is the result of chronic inflammation, and the evidence is quite strong that your diet can contribute to increased systemic inflammation." So, eating healthy can decrease pain symptoms!

Have you ever noticed how the colors of recommended fruits and vegetables create a rainbow? This “rainbow” of fruits and vegetables is excellent for heart health and boosted immunity. Eating colorful foods also fights inflammation. Try to fit more colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet. Dark green veggies like spinach and kale, orange veggies such as sweet potatoes and carrots, red and purple foods like tomatoes and beets, and yellow ones like corn and sweet peppers are excellent choices to slip into your meals and snack dishes.

Questions? Contact Our Office!

Through stretching, staying hydrated, exercising, and eating balanced meals, you should start feeling a whole lot better! If these suggestions don’t offer enough variety for you in leading a healthier lifestyle, no worries. Contact TheraFit Physical Therapy & Fitness Center any time to schedule an appointment to see a physical therapist. He or she will be more than happy to assess your physical needs and teach you more ways to lead a more active lifestyle.


Don’t Fall Victim to Opioids – Instead, Opt for Natural Relief

Chronic pain can become a huge burden, interfering with just about every aspect of your life until it can seem impossible to feel like things will ever be “normal” again. Whether as a result of wear and tear over time, or following a traumatic experience like an injury or a car accident, chronic pain can become increasingly difficult to cope with as time goes on. Learning to cope with the discomfort isn’t always realistic, and so rather than live in discomfort many people turn to ways to mask the pain—often through the use of pain medications. However, this isn’t always the healthiest option, and finding more appropriate ways to manage your pain that can actually help to reduce the severity of your chronic pain can have a huge impact on your quality of life and happiness.

Instead of turning to medications to manage pain long-term, talk to your physical therapist at TheraFit™ Physical Therapy & Fitness Center about natural strategies that may help you to experience actual relief from your pain.

The Problem with Pain Medications

Pain medications don’t actually do anything to help heal chronic pain. While often marketed as an ideal solution to experiencing ongoing pain, all that pain medications can do is help you to feel relief from the pain for a short period of time. Once the medication dosage wears off the pain will return, and over time it may even require larger and larger dosages of pain medication to help you experience that same level of relief.

What’s more, many pain medications come with a long list of complications of their own. Many pain medications are opioid-based, which means that they are highly addictive and can cause damage to the body if used for a prolonged period of time. For many people, the withdraw that occurs when they attempt to stop taking opioids is actually more severe than the initial pain itself, and in some situations, the use of pain medications for an extended period of time can lead to an array of additional health issues, including damage to the intestines, liver, and even the heart.

To actually overcome chronic pain and return to a more normal way of life, pain medications cannot be looked at as a sole means of treatment. While pain medications may be recommended for short term use to help you overcome the initial pain of an injury, there are other treatment options available that are much safer and more effective at helping to ease the pain and improve your quality of life.

Natural Strategies for Pain Relief

Working with a physical therapist to experience relief from chronic pain is one of the most effective strategies that you can try. Regardless of whether the pain stems from an injury or from wear and tear over time, physical therapy can identify the problem areas, target the source of the pain, and then provide you with strategies to help improve your range of motion and reduce the experience of pain.

The biggest difference between physical therapy and pain medication for addressing chronic pain is that pain medication will never actually fix the source of the pain, it will only cover it up. Physical therapy may not help you to feel that immediate relief in the same way pain medication would, but it will help you to feel gradual improvements in your experience of the pain so that you can eventually start to live your life free of discomfort.

Here are a few of the ways that your physical therapist can help you find relief from chronic pain:

  • Targeted massage: Your physical therapist can identify the area that may be causing the pain and utilize massage techniques to reduce tension in that particular area, thereby helping to alleviate pressure in your joints and reduce pain.
  • Hot and cold therapy: The combination of hot and cold therapy can help to reduce swelling and alleviate pain, and when used in combination with other natural strategies can be a great source of relief from chronic pain.
  • Deep stretching: Your physical therapist can guide you through specialized stretching techniques that will target the source of your pain, thereby helping to improve your range of motion and support the development of muscle mass in the area of your pain.
  • Weight lifting: As you begin to experience tension relief and decreased swelling in the targeted area, your physical therapist can then guide you through the process of building muscle mass to support a full and healthy recovery.

Physical therapy can often be used to help people overcome chronic pain, including pain the joints, like hip and knee pain, back pain, neck pain, and even chronic headaches. In some situations, such as when there is an injury like a torn tendon or damaged muscle, surgical repair may be necessary to help repair the damage prior to the use of physical therapy to restore range of motion. Working with your physical therapist to utilize these natural strategies that can help you to avoid the long-term use of medication can help you to feel greater relief from pain and experience improved quality of life in the process.

To start experiencing relief from chronic pain, contact TheraFit Physical Therapy & Fitness Center for an appointment today.

Stretching Has Many Proven Benefits! Discover Them Today

You've probably heard that it's important to stretch before and after a workout or any type of strenuous physical activity. While this is true, it's also beneficial to stretch on a regular basis whether you're doing any type of physical workout or not. There are many benefits of doing stretches on a regular basis. A physical therapy program that is individualized to meet your specific needs can help you make the most of your stretching routine. Call TheraFit™ Physical Therapy & Fitness Centers to find out how a physical therapist can help you learn to stretch effectively to improve your health and increase your activity level.

Increase Blood Flow

Stretching may increase your circulation, which can ultimately improve blood flow. Improving overall blood flow has many benefits. This includes less soreness from workouts or even basic daily movement. It also includes the ability to more efficiently deliver nutrients to not only muscles but organs such as the heart. It can even increase your oxygen levels. Improved blood flow gives you more energy throughout the day and may even help the body fight off disease. A physical therapy plan can teach you different ways to stretch that will most effectively increase blood flow. A physical therapist may also use heat treatment to improve blood flow while teaching you how to perform stretches correctly.

Increase Flexibility

Remaining flexible is a crucial aspect of staying mobile and active for as long as possible. Even younger individuals can lose flexibility if they don't stretch and stay active on a regular basis. When you stretch regularly, your muscles become more supple and move with greater ease and less pain. Greater flexibility will therefore not only make it easier to move but when it's easier it will take less energy. When you make stretching a regular part of your day, you may have more energy and not feel tired so quickly. A physical therapy routine can be a great way to increase your flexibility. A physical therapist can show you how to stretch so you increase your flexibility in a safe and steady manner.

Increase Range of Motion

The range of motion is basically how much movement you have around specific joints or certain body parts. The greater the range of motion is for your knees, ankles, shoulders, etc., the more activities you'll be able to do. Range of motion is particularly important for athletes or even those participating in athletic events for fun. A physical therapist can measure the range of motion throughout your body and give you specific exercises to increase your overall ability to move as much as possible. Your physical therapy routine might include what is called dynamic stretching or the use of foam rolling to increase your range of motion. It's important to visit a physical therapist in order to learn how to use different types of equipment, such as foam rollers, correctly.

Improve Athletic Performance

Stretching before participating in athletics can help prepare your muscles and ligaments for strenuous physical activity. Stretching causes your muscles to continually lengthen and then relax again. This prepares your body to more effectively engage in strenuous motions in which muscles are constantly contracting and lengthening. You'll want to ask a physical therapist about stretches and exercises that are geared for the particular sport you participate in. A physical therapy program with stretches to help with the specific movement you make in your sport can improve your athletic performance.

Reduce Injuries

When your muscles are warmed up correctly, you'll be less likely to suffer an injury during physical activity. Stretching increases flexibility, which makes muscles more supple. They are then less vulnerable to injury if you move quickly or suddenly change the direction of movement. If you're already suffering from injuries, a physical therapy routine can help you heal faster and get back to the activities you love. Physical therapy may even reduce the chance of future injuries. A physical therapist can use manual massage to heal current injuries, reduce pain, and strengthen muscles and joints.

Improve Posture

Stretching muscles can help improve posture. Poor posture looks unattractive and may even affect a person's health. Good posture can reduce back pain and eliminate tension in your neck and shoulders. If you're sitting and standing correctly, this may even increase lung capacity and improve digestion. Physical therapy is a great way to improve your posture. A physical therapist can teach you new ways of standing, sitting, and engaging in daily activities. A physical therapy program might include specific stretches to strengthen the spine, which can help improve posture.

Reduce Stress

Of all the benefits stretching provides, many people may not realize that it can reduce stress. When you're stressed and tense, your muscles naturally tighten. Gentle stretching can slowly relieve tension throughout your entire body. Each of us have particular areas we carry a lot of tension. For some people, it's in the neck area. For others, it may be in the shoulders or in different areas of the back. A physical therapist can teach you exercises that target the specific area where you have the greatest tension and stress. There are specific types of stretching, such as static stretching, that may be included in your physical therapy routine to reduce stress and anxiety.

It's important to make stretching a regular part of your life. Including physical therapy is a good way to make sure you're learning how to stretch correctly and safely. Whether you want to improve athletic performance or you want to reduce pain and more easily engage in daily activities, physical therapy can improve your life. Contact TheraFit Physical Therapy & Fitness Centers in Hazel Green, AL, and/or Park City, TN today to find out how a physical therapist can put together a stretching routine to keep you as flexible and strong as possible.

Staying Active By Incorporating These 5 Easy Steps into Your Lifestyle

With your busy life, it can be difficult to find time for physical activity. We all understand too well the lengthy to-do list that never seems to get completed. After a full day of work, running errands, making dinner, and still trying to find time to relax, it can be tough to try and force yourself to get out there and exercise. Fortunately, there are some helpful tricks and tips you can incorporate into your daily life that can help you stay motivated and active throughout the day - without taking up too much of your valuable time!

By incorporating these 5 easy steps into your lifestyle, you can remain active throughout the day while still staying true to your routine!

Tip #1: Sleep, sleep, sleep.

We’ve all heard it before: “You need a good night’s sleep in order to perform your best.” But do we stay true to this? For most of us, the answer is “no,” whether it is intentional or not.

It is no secret that sleep is vital for the proper functioning of the body; however, sleep disturbances occur in approximately one-third of the US population. Physical therapy can help you achieve better sleep, which can also help you achieve a higher degree of activity in your waking hours. Physical therapists are trained in areas that are critical to sleep, such as pain modulation, tissue healing, cognitive functioning, and cardiovascular health. A physical therapist can also provide suggestions for how you can integrate sleep health with overall wellbeing.

Tip #2: Rid yourself of unnecessary pain.

One of the most common reasons why people lose their active lifestyle is pain. Whether it’s a pain you’ve been experiencing for some time, or the simple threat of pain occurring, it has proven enough to slow people down or sit them out altogether.

According to the National Institutes of Health, most Americans experience chronic pain. An estimated 25.3 million adults reported pain every day for the preceding three months in a 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Nearly 40 million adults acknowledge suffering from severe pain, which is also a predictor of other health concerns.

Luckily, there is a simple way to manage or even eliminate pain completely - physical therapy treatments. Hands-on therapy from a trained physical therapist, or more specialized treatments such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation, can all help in alleviating pain. Physical therapy treatments have also been proven to restore muscle and joint function, in order to help you lead a more active lifestyle.

Tip #3: Complete daily chores.

Cleaning your house employs a variety of muscle groups, in addition to keeping you active. Every step you take and every inch you vacuum helps you stay fit. For an added benefit, squeeze your glutes and abdominal muscles as you're trailing from room to room.

Tip #4: Invest in an interactive tool.

There are a variety of products on the market that will encourage, inspire, and track your physical activity. Research shows that utilizing such products may have a favorable impact on your levels of activity. The key to success is to establish daily, weekly, or monthly goals that are easily tracked within the tool and to follow consistent strategies, such as:

  • Writing down your goals. A common goal that people set for themselves is 10,000 steps per day. However, it is worthwhile to check with a medical professional, in order to avoid overextending yourself.
  • Using the tool every single day. Consistency creates habits, which by nature are notoriously difficult to break.
  • Engaging in activities that you enjoy. While tools come with limitations — namely the activities that it measures — it is extremely helpful to choose a tracker based on the activities you enjoy. If you are doing something that interests you, it will be easier to maintain over time.
  • Encouraging your friends and family to use the tool with you. Many trackers have interactive features that allow you to measure your progress against someone else's. Most of us also benefit from having a workout buddy, so this informal type of comparison can really serve as an effective motivator. Plus, you’ll have someone to hold you accountable for reaching your goals.

Tip #5: Take daily walks with your dog.

It is true that a dog is a man’s best friend - and your dog likely won’t back down from the opportunity to be your exercise companion. The arrival of a new pet, particularly a dog, is an effective way to get owners moving. Physical activity is necessary for a dog, even if it is simply a short walk every day. This can help owners remain accountable for getting their daily exercise in, as well.

Want more assistance? Contact us!

If you’d like more motivation and structure on staying physically active in your daily life, don’t hesitate to contact TheraFit™ today! Our licensed physical therapists will be more than happy to consult with you and discuss plans for your physical therapy journey. We’ll create a treatment plan for your specific needs and will help you achieve your health and wellness goals!


Find Relief for the Pain You Feel – By Simply Changing Your Diet!

The food you eat can have a tremendous impact on your energy and your waistline. What's harder to remember is that your nutritional choices can impact your joint pain, too!

At our physical therapy clinic, we advocate for a holistic approach to improving acute or chronic pain conditions. To your physical therapist, you're not just a diagnosis or collection of symptoms. You're someone that could benefit from a range of techniques and lifestyle interventions, including dietary changes, as a way to promote long-lasting relief. Call TheraFit™ to schedule an appointment today!

3 Ways Diet Impacts Your Pain

Have you ever wondered how your food choices could be influencing your acute or chronic pain condition? Here are three ways diet plays a role in your pain relief (or lack thereof):

  1. Certain foods promote inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a normal part of your body's immune system response and helps protect your body against things like illness or injury. In acute injuries, inflammation is an essential part of healing. But if inflammation lasts for too long, such as in the case of arthritis, tissue and cellular damage can occur. Inflammation also is a major factor in the experience of pain. It turns out that different types of foods can worsen inflammation and therefore may increase your pain. Pro-inflammatory foods can even harm the friendly bacteria in your gut, known as the microbiome (often called the "forgotten organ"). This can impair nutrient absoprtion and further disrupt your immune system since your gut and immunity are closely linked.
  2. Eating the right type of foods gives your body the raw material it needs for health. Your tissues, including joints, tendons, muscles, and nerves, are constantly being re-built. The body relies on nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants to provide the "building material" needed to make these tissues and ensure the re-building process goes smoothly. If you don't provide your body with these key materials, then the ability of your body to repair itself may be limited.
  3. Eating the right amount of food promotes optimal function. Eating too many calories can lead to weight gain, and researchers now know excessive body fat promotes inflammation. Excessive weight also increases the strain and stress on your joints and can raise the risk of health conditions often linked to pain, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and diabetes. On the other hand, if you don't eat enough food, then your muscles and tissues may lack the energy needed to grow, repair, and regenerate themselves. Under-eating may also lead to fatigue and affect your ability to safely exercise or participate in things like physical therapy.

Hone Your Pain-Free Palate By Choosing (And Avoiding) These Foods

Our physical therapy staff encourages our patients to consult with dietitians or other professionals for more customized and advanced nutritional support. But we're also happy to provide some basic guidelines that can optimize the well-earned results you get from working with a physical therapist.

The first tip: eat real food! Think minimally processed, nutrient-dense, diverse, and delicious:

  • Fruits and vegetables (fresh, frozen, or even canned are all great—just watch for additives)
  • Quality protein like eggs, lean meat, fish, and poultry
  • Legumes, nuts, and seeds
  • Fermented foods like tempeh, sauerkraut and kimchi (these are loaded in gut-healthy probiotics)

The key is to select foods that you enjoy eating so that making healthier diet choices is sustainable and simple. Our physical therapy team encourages our patients not to get bogged down by the latest fads and trends. Just start with the basics—plants, protein, and healthy fats—and go from there.

Another tip? Learn how to cook! Cooking at home can save you money and helps you better control what goes into your food. If pain makes it difficult to cook, a physical therapist can educate you about important things like activity pacing or home modifications that will make you more successful in the kitchen.

In addition to food, don't forget the water! You need great hydration every day to help your tissues stay healthy and flush out harmful toxins and waste products from your system. Staying well-hydrated boosts circulation enhances joint lubrication, eases muscle cramps, supports spinal disc health, alleviates headaches, and more.

Some people also find that taking certain supplements, including fish oil or chondroitin and glucosamine, helps alleviate their pain and improves well-being. The research on these supplements is inconclusive, and not all supplements were created equal. So, before taking any new supplements, chat with your primary care doctor first.

Finally, what to avoid? According to the Arthritis Foundation, certain foods and food ingredients may promote inflammation in the body and therefore exacerbate or prolong chronic pain. These foods include:

  • Refined sugar
  • Alcohol
  • MSG (a preservative often found in fast foods)
  • Gluten (a protein found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye)
  • Casein and lactose (a protein and sugar, respectively, found in dairy products)
  • Saturated fats
  • Refined carbohydrates (think crackers, candy, pasta, bread)
  • Trans fat
  • Vegetable oils
  • Non-caloric artificial sweeteners

You may choose to enjoy certain "treats" in moderation, like sweets or adult beverages. Just be mindful of how much and how often you're consuming them. Eating a healthy protein-filled snack and drinking a lot of water before a "treat" can help you control your portions.

Ready to Toast to Your Health and See How Better Nutrition Can Improve Your Pain?

Looking for more ways to holistically boost your health and alleviate your pain? Contact TheraFit today to schedule an appointment with an experienced physical therapist who can help your body and mind thrive using a customized selection of drug-free, non-invasive, and whole-person techniques.


Is Stretching a Real Form of Exercise?

You probably already know there are a ton of different factors that contribute to maintaining your health. Getting a full night’s rest, staying hydrated during the day, and eating well-balanced meals are the most commonly shared tips when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, maintaining your heart health and nervous system. However, this is just scraping the surface, as there are so many other aspects of your body that need full support.

It’s not easy to maintain an ideal health, but paying attention to stiff joints and sore muscles will pay off in supporting you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. One of the most fundamental aspects of physical therapy is stretching, and for good reason! Even though most people look at stretching as a pre-workout or post-workout activity, stretching actually has a long list of benefits that should be taken into account if you’re looking to improve your health.

Some of the basic benefits to stretching are as follows:

  1. It can improve your mental health. Stretching your muscles is very helpful in alleviating physical and mental tension.Alleviating tension in the muscles is helpful in alleviating tension in the mind. Yoga is a particularly popular form of stretching which focuses on mindfulness and meditation during stretching processes.
  2. It can help you prevent the need for surgery. Stretching provides our bodies with a means to keep our muscles warmed up and ready for exercise. This in turn decreases the chances of a muscle strain or sprain, and therefore also cuts down on the chance of you needing expensive surgery to repair the injury.
  3. Your range of motion will improve. Stretching regularly helps your muscles to extend fully, which can improve your range of motion over time! This means you’ll be more flexible, and it’s also very helpful with the prevention of injuries as well.
  4. It relieves muscle pain and tension. Stretching helps to alleviate muscle pain and discomfort throughout your body. Certain stretches are meant to help relieve back pain, some are meant for shoulder or neck pain, and so on. It’s a good idea to consult a physical therapist first about specific issues with pain before practicing targeted stretching exercises at home by yourself.
  5. Blood circulation will be improved. Your heart and musculoskeletal system will be improved by stretching regularly. Sometimes muscles can become extremely tight, and won’t receive enough oxygen. This can be painful. Stretching improves blood flow to your joints and muscles, further reducing your risk of being injured.

Getting Started With A Stretching Routine

Make sure when you start to stretch that you have plenty of space around you to move. Using a yoga mat is a great option to create a safe and supported area where you can gain traction easily. Remember to wear loose clothing so as not to constrict your limbs; you’ll be able to move much more freely!

As you stretch, remember to drink lots of water as well. Stretching might not feel like an intense exercise like running or doing push-ups, but it’s still very important to stay hydrated and support your muscles. To get more information on starting a good stretching routine, contact our office to make an appointment with a physical therapist. Contact us today! 

Thinking About Surgery For Your Chronic Pain? You Have Another Option: Physical Therapy

Do you suffer from constant aches and pains for reasons you just can’t put your finger on? Have you gotten used to feeling a spasm here or there, but summed it up to getting older? Maybe you’ve delayed seeking medical treatment for your problem because you’re afraid of one particular solution: surgery. You have no reason to worry, because there’s another option! Physical therapy could make surgery unnecessary for you. Just contact our clinic to find out more about the non-invasive world of conservative pain management!

What Is Chronic Pain?

When pain occurs as a result of an acute health problem, such as a car accident injury, sports injury or infection, it comes as no surprise to you. Pain in these circumstances is normal and expected, not to mention the fact that it will only last as long as it takes your body to recover from the underlying issue.

Chronic pain is different. It offers no reassurance. This type of pain is ongoing, and lasts longer than 3 months. It may even last a lifetime if the underlying cause is unable to be cured. The pain could appear and disappear unexpectedly, or it might be a continuous issue. Mild annoyance or debilitating problem – chronic pain isn’t fun for anyone.

What Can Cause Chronic Pain? How Can It Affect You?

Chronic pain can be brought about as an effect of an illness or an injury that never healed correctly. Take for example, an internal soft tissue injury might form lumps of scar tissue that make it painful for you to move.

Chronic aches and pains can also be caused by the following issues:

  • Herniated/bulging discs that pinch spinal nerve roots or your spinal cord
  • Musculoskeletal imbalances or weaknesses
  • Arthritis, a degenerative condition causing joints to become painfully inflamed
  • Exertion of specific tissues, causing them to experience strain and constant inflammation
  • Trigger points, which are tight muscle knots that can spasm and refer pain to various parts of the body
  • Systemic problems, such as fibromyalgia

Your ability to move around comfortably and freely can be impacted and limited by chronic pain. The same goes for performing simple everyday tasks or getting a restful night’s sleep. Some chronic pain conditions like sciatica may actually trick you into thinking that they’ve disappeared, only to come back over and over.

However, you’re not alone in your struggle! Did you know that almost 116 million Americans suffer from chronic pain? It’s true. Thankfully, there are multiple helpful solutions to managing this issue.

Is Physical Therapy Right For Your Chronic Pain?

Let’s face it. Medication only provides temporary relief from chronic aches and pains. One might assume that the only long-term option for pain relief is expensive surgery. However, surgeries that fuse joints or remove pieces of vertebral discs can actually do you more harm than good, and you should also take into account the time it’ll take you to recover! This is where physical therapy comes in.

Physical therapy is a safe, effective, non-invasive, drug-free answer. Physical therapists can decrease and control your chronic aches and pains in the following ways.

  • Increasing your flexibility with stretching exercises
  • Teaching you exercises that target specific joints or muscles
  • Massage therapy, which will loosen/break down adhesions and trigger points while calming inflamed tissues
  • Ultrasound therapy to block pain signals and promote healing
  • Loosening tight muscles with heat therapy
  • Prescribing strengthening exercises to help your body support itself more easily
  • Reducing swelling and inflammatory pain with cold therapy

You deserve to achieve the comfortable life you seek without spending thousands on surgery. Call our physical therapy office to schedule your consultation with one of our therapists and receive a personalized treatment program!


Stop Relying On Opioids To Manage Your Pain. Physical Therapy Can Help!

Do you depend on drugs like oxycodone or hydrocodone just to make it through your day without crippling pain? Do you find yourself watching the clock anxiously until it’s time for your next dosage? If you answered yes to either of these questions, it’s possible you’re on the brink of opioid dependence.

You might be wondering how these drugs are affecting your long-term health, and with good reason! Opioid dependence can be a deadly situation.The good news is that you can kick your dependence on opioid drugs without ending up trapped by debilitating pain, thanks to the solutions provided by physical therapy. Contact our physical therapy office today to get started on this healthy, drug-free approach to pain management.

What Are Opioids, And How Do They Work?

Opioids are strong painkillers that are often prescribed to offset the effect of severe chronic pain. Traditionally, they are derived from substances in the poppy plant. Morphine, oxycodone,codeine, and hydrocodone are opioids that can relieve pain where other drugs fail.

It is common for doctors to prescribe these to patients dealing with pain due to cancer, acute injuries, and neurological or musculoskeletal pain. Subsequently, they can also produce feelings of euphoria, which in turn makes them substance that is extremely abused and addictive in both legal and illegal forms(such as heroin).

By attaching to opioid receptors in the brain and other structures of the body, opioids prevent the receptors against receiving pain signals. Simultaneously, the opioids trigger the release of large amounts of dopamine, a substance that gives a feeling of pleasure.

The Danger of Opioid Addiction

Opioids do more harm than good. These drugs are so effective at seemingly “getting rid of” the pain, but unfortunately, the painkilling and pleasurable benefits of opioids come at a terrifying price. The issue is that people become addicted to opioids because of the euphoric highs they experience while using them.

As a result of long-term opioid usage, the body builds up a tolerance to the drugs, and then will require larger doses in order to achieve the same effects. This ultimately leads to a very strong, very dangerous level of addiction.

It’s no surprise that more than 11 million Americans abuse opioids. Sadly, escalating tolerance levels in opioid users can result in them taking a fatal dose. Two-thirds of all overdose deaths in the U.S. are related to some form of opioid.

Physical Therapy Can Kick Opioid Dependency.

Opioid dependence can be avoided. Physical therapy is an excellent and safe alternative to drugs. An experienced physical therapist can prescribe you customized treatment method that will help joints move more freely, loosen tight muscles, reduce inflammation, build up muscle strength, and help decrease the effects of neurological problems (for example, herniated discs and pinched nerves).

Physical therapy might be for you if:

  • You’re having issues with addiction and depression or physical side effects as a result of continued opioid usage (or you want to avoid these issues altogether!)
  • You have a chronic, incurable pain condition that might otherwise you to use opioids for your entire life
  • You have musculoskeletal or neuromuscular pain
  • Treating the underlying cause of the pain, instead of simply numbing it, is your ultimate goal

Even if your pain cannot be depleted entirely through physical therapy, treatment may still ease your symptoms enough so that you don’t have to take the maximum dosage of painkillers any longer. However, please be aware that if you’re currently dependent on opioids, your doctor must supervise any changes in dosage.

Your opioid dependency can stop today. Call our office to set up a time for a consult with one of our physical therapists about drug-free pain management options.



How Can Physical Therapy Can Give You Relief From Hip and Knee Pain?

Do you find yourself saying “no” to certain activities because of your hip or knee pain? Physical therapy may be a great option for you, whether your pain is experienced when you’re sitting or moving. We want to help you get back to your regular routine, so be sure to call our office for a consultation with a licensed physical therapist, and learn how we can help relieve your pain.

Why Is Hip and Knee Pain A Serious Problem?

The hips and knees are the largest joints in your body. They work closely with each other for optimum mobility and to support your body’s weight. Needless to say, they have a pretty big job to do, so it’s important they’re performing at their best.

What Are Hips and Knees Made Of?

Your knee is comprised of several ligaments and muscles Knee pain is actually the second most common cause of chronic pain. Failing to address this kind of pain can cause huge issues in your life.

Your hip joint consists of two parts: the femoral head and the acetabulum. The femoral head is the round, “ball-shaped” piece of a bone, and the acetabulum is the socket the femoral head fits into. Ligaments connect the femoral head to the acetabulum.

Just like the knees, hips are complex, and both types of pain can affect people at any age.

What Kinds of Knee Pain Are There?

Knee pain can be a direct side effect of any number of injuries or diseases. It can also come about as a result of a car accident, a bad fall, or a sports related injury. Some of the most commonly experienced types of knee pain include:

  • Gout
  • Ligament strains and sprains
  • Overuse (example: too much running on rough, hard ground)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Anterior injuries
  • Fractures around the knee

Knee pain can affect your overall mobility as well as reduce your strength and affect muscle control.

What Kinds of Hip Pain Are There?

You might have pain in your groin area or right inside your hip if there are issues with your hip joint. If the pain is on the outside of your hip, it probably is due to issues with your tendons, muscles, and ligaments. It might even be hard for you to stand up if you experience hip pain. Hip pain can also be a result of the following conditions:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sprains
  • Hip fracture
  • Sciatica

Physical Therapy Can Help Alleviate Your Knee and Hip Pain

If any of the conditions or symptoms above apply to you, it’s a good idea for you to see a physical therapist. Your therapist can do an in-depth evaluation of your gait, palpate, range of motion measurements, and run a series of mobility tests to form a custom treatment plan for your hip or knee pain.

Not all treatment plans are created quite the same. Different issues might require other kinds of therapy, such as heat or ice therapy, exercises, and ultrasound therapy. Research shows that joint mobilization techniques can help with long and short-term ailments involving the hip. Even better — there is usually improvement with overall mobility as well!

If you’re suffering from hip or knee pain, make sure you call us to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced physical therapists. They can help reduce or even eliminate your pain, so that you can go back to living a pain-free lifestyle.


Could A Herniated Disc Be The Underlying Cause of Your Back Pain? Physical Therapy Can Help

Have you ever felt the sensation that an electric shock is going from your lower back to your legs? Ever experience weakness in your muscles or numbness in your arms and legs? If you’ve answered yes to either of those questions, it’s time to schedule your free consultation with our office to see a physical therapist…you might have a herniated disc.

What Does It Mean To Have a Herniated Disc?

The spine is comprised of vertebrae that are cushioned by flat, round discs. These discs have an outer layer called the annulus, which surround a gel-like material called the nucleus. Discs are located in between each of the vertebrae in spinal column. Their main job is to act as little shock absorbers for your spine.

You might have heard a herniated disc be referred to as a “ruptured” or “bulged” disc. This issue happens when the disc nucleus gets moved out of the annulus and into the spinal canal – which has limited space as it is!

Because of this movement, the displacement often causes pain. A herniated disc can occur literally anywhere in the spine, from the lower part of your back to the cervical spine areas.

How To Know If You Have a Herniated Disc

Herniated discs can happen for a number of reasons, including a strain or an injury of some sort. Some people are actually predisposed for herniated discs depending on genetics, and some people naturally experience herniated discs naturally as they age.

As a person gets older, disc material slowly degenerates. Ligaments will start to grow weaker, and when this happens, even the smallest of movements (such as twisting or stretching) can result in a herniated disc.

The signs of a herniated disc are different depending on the size of the disc and its location. If the disc is not pushing on a nerve, you might not feel any pain, but if it is on a nerve, there will be pain, weakness, and a feeling of numbness in the part of the body where the nerve is being pressed on.

When there is pressure being applied to the sciatic nerve, a condition called sciatica make occur in the lower lumbar spine. Sciatica causes sensations of pain, burning, and numbness ranging from the buttocks, down the legs, and to the feet. A sharp pain may also be felt when walking, sitting, or standing.

You may feel pain in the neck and between your shoulder blades if a herniated disc occurs in the neck area. This pain will most likely be felt down your arms and into your fingers. Needless to say, a herniated disc in any part of your body can cause a lot of discomfort.

Physical Therapy Can Alleviate The Pain

If you’re suffering from a herniated disc or pressure on your sciatic nerve, your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist. Your therapist will do a thorough examination for you and create a specialized treatment plan that will directly address the pain associated with your condition.

Physical therapy might include massage, ice or heat therapy, pelvic traction and ultrasound, and of course, stretching exercises.

Physical therapy can play a massive role in getting on the road to recovering from a herniated disc. It entails a holistic approach with active and passive treatments. A physical therapist will not only provide pain relief for you, but they’ll also be able to teach you how to prevent this kind of injury in the future.

Call today to schedule your first appointment and learn more about safe and effective ways to reduce and alleviate your back pain!
