How to Improve Your Balance By Increasing Your Core Strength

The relationship between core strength and balance is something that has been widely discussed within the physical therapy field for several years. Your trunk contains multiple core muscles that work to prevent physically limiting conditions, such injuries, lower back pain, or balance and gait disorders. When your core is strong, it helps keep you upright and decreases your risk of falling. If you are interested in learning more about how our services can improve your balance, contact us today!

How are core and balance related?

There are three systems in your body that help to control your balance: The visual system, the vestibular system, and the proprioceptive system.

The visual system refers to the messages that your brain and eyes send to each other, in order to help you see. Your eyes send signals to your brain about your position in relation to the world around you.

The vestibular system refers to the liquid in your inner ear that functions as a sort of “carpenter’s balance,” in order to keep you level. If you’ve ever felt dizzy, it generally means that the liquid in the vestibular system is a little bit off-balance.

The proprioceptive system is the one that involves your core. Proprioception nerves are sensory nerves that situate throughout the body. They make you aware of your posture and aware of spatial things around you.

In order to stay balanced, one must have equilibrium in all three systems. A weak core is one element that can make you feel off-balance and cause you to fall down.

The impact of core muscles on stability:

When many people think of core muscles, they immediately picture the abs – but there are so much more! In fact, there are two separate groups of core muscles: the inner core and the outer core.

The inner core muscles are attached to your spine and they help to stabilize your core. The outer core muscles work in conjunction with the inner core muscles whenever you need to move your body from point A to point B – or, essentially to do most physical activities.

When we think of “core stability,” we are thinking of the inner core muscles. When we think of “core strength,” we are thinking of the outer core muscles. Engaging in physical therapy will help you to train both your inner and outer core muscles, in order to achieve better balance and movement.

PT treatments for core building and improved balance:

Core strength can be improved upon without pricy gym equipment. Many physical therapists will recommend a simple and quick exercise known as the “drawing in maneuver.”

To accomplish this exercise, begin by standing up straight with your hips in line with the rest of your body. Suck in your stomach, as if you were drawing your belly button in toward your spine. Then, walk around with your belly button still drawn in.

Ideally, your core muscles should be strong enough to hold that position for at least 30 seconds. However, if you are out of shape, you may have to build up to this time. This should be a painless exercise, so if you notice any pain while performing it, make sure you stop immediately. Once your core begins to build more muscle, your physical therapist will move you on to more difficult exercises, such as yoga, planks, or bridges.

If you have been struggling with your balance, we can help. Contact us today to learn how our core strengthening services can improve your balance and get you back on your feet!

Neck Pain, Back Pain, Joint Pain: Why Physical Therapy Is Your Best Option For Treatment

Physical therapy is an extremely beneficial kind of treatment that offers solutions to many of the most common types of pain. The problem? Most people don’t realize the benefits of physical therapy, or even know that the pain they’re experiencing can be alleviated by seeing a physical therapist!

Read the list below. If you’re experiencing any of these common symptoms, it might be time to see a physical therapist and learn the best ways to relieve your aches and pains.

1. Do you experience neck pain?

It’s common for neck pain to develop after sports related injuries or auto accidents, but also as a result of bad posture — including the posture you have while you’re asleep! Neck pain can be hard to live with and treat, but make sure you don’t attempt to do it on your own. Seeing an experienced physical therapist who can help you find the source of your neck pain could be your ticket to a pain free life.

2. Do you experience back pain?

Another common cause of pain in American adults is back pain. Too many people struggle with it and aren’t doing anything about it. There’s been an increase in the amount of people dealing with back pain as well, which can be blamed on all sorts of different factors, from rising obesity rates to working in jobs that don’t allow for much upright movement. Physical therapy can help to ease the cause of your back pain and to relieve tension in your back, thereby reducing the amount of pain you feel.

3. Do you experience joint pain?

The best way to deal with joint pain is to see a physical therapist. Joint pain can develop as a result of arthritis. Your joints aren’t something that you can ignore if they’re causing you pain, and in most cases, attempting to rely on another part of your body to reduce pain (for example, putting more weight on one leg than the other when you walk) will only lead you to experience even more pain in other areas.

4. Do you suffer from headaches?

Headaches are yet another complaint that can be addressed with physical therapy treatment. Chronic headaches can be a sign of tension in the neck and back. Working with a licensed physical therapist on targeted stretching and massage therapy can help reduce the amount and severity of the headaches you experience.

5. Are you having difficult or limited mobility?

There are multiple reasons why someone might experience limited mobility, or become unable to move as well as they could in the past. Stroke victims often find themselves unable to walk with the same gait or speed that they used to, and even after their pain is gone, they might still struggle to move.

People who receive sports related injuries are often liable to having a limited range of motion as well, which is especially true following surgical repair of muscle tendons and/or tissue. Physical therapy can help them retrain their bodies for normal, everyday movement.

So, What Now?

The list of aches and pains that can be relieved with a good physical therapy treatment plan is endless. Whether you have lasting pain from a car accident, work-related incident, or a sports injury, it may be time to consult with a physical therapist about the best ways to go about managing your pain. Contact our office to set up a consultation and get back to living a pain-free life.

Staying Healthy As We Age: The Importance of Physical Activity

It’s pretty common to be less active the older we get, but if we want to remain as healthy as possible, we must incorporate as much physical activity into our daily lives as we can! Thankfully there are many easy ways to increase your levels of activity that most people can include in their every day routine. Call TheraFit™ today for more information about how you can increase your physical activity and lead a healthier life.

How Can I Increase My Physical Activity?

Below are seven great ways to add more physical activity into your routine.

  1. Bike Rides - Do you live in a rural area? If so, great! This is a wonderful opportunity to get your bike out of the garage and go for a spin. Even if you don’t live in a rural area, no worries. Lots of suburban/urban areas have bike trails and paths. Bike riding is a fun and easy way to get a good workout into your day.
  2. Adopt a Furry Pal - Getting a dog can keep you active and provide numerous health benefits, (especially if it’s a puppy, they have lots of energy and encourage you to get out and exercise with them!) If you own a dog already, make sure you're walking your pet every day. The Mayo Clinic even suggests borrowing a dog if you don't have one, so ask your friends if you can spend some time with Fido when they’re busy!
  3. Stairs Instead of Elevator - If you live in an apartment building or work in a high-rise building with tons of floors, you definitely have a good opportunity to get a work out in. Even if you only have a few flights to go, over time it’ll make a noticeable difference.If you’re coming back from lunch with a friend, tell them you’ll meet them at the top and then take the stairs!
  4. Park Farther Away - Do you run a lot of errands every week? Although it might seem like a great idea to find a spot as close to the front of the store as possible, parking in a spot far away provides an extra opportunity to get some walking in for the day.
  5. Sitting on the Floor - This is a great option for when you’re folding laundry, watching TV, or enjoying a book. Sitting on the floor isn’t just for kids! It can increase your activity level even as an adult, because you’ll find that you naturally stretch your limbs and move more to reach things while sitting on the floor.
  6. Swap Out Your Riding Lawn Mower - Using a push mower to cut your grass is a great way to get this chore accomplished while also getting in some daily activity. Strengthen those muscles!
  7. Stand Up - If you work sitting in front of a computer for most of the day, you should consider getting a standing desk that lets you stand up while you work. If you don’t have a standing desk, getting up and walking around every half hour to hour or so will really improve your overall level of physical activity.

How Do We Become Inactive?

There are few causes of inactivity, which can include everything from a busy schedule to a physical condition that prevents you from being as active as you should be. If you don’t engage in enough physical activity, you might struggle with weak muscle tone or aching joints. According to the Arthritis Foundation, the more inactive you’re being, the easier it is for you to become tired. There are lots of other physical ailments that come with inactivity, such as:

  • Weakened Bones
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Poor Blood Circulation
  • Increased Inflammation/Swelling

Make sure you’re getting enough activity in every day to avoid these issues!

Physical Therapy Can Help You Lead a More Active Lifestyle!

If you’re suffering from side effects of an inactive lifestyle, physical therapy could be the answer. A physical therapist can provide manual therapies that will not only increase your flexibility, but also improve your range of motion. They can also give you at-home exercises to do as well! Most likely, you will have a physical therapy program created especially for you and your needs.

If you want to lead a life without pain and stiffness, then it's important to stay as active as possible. You want to keep your muscles, tendons, and joints flexible! Try adding a couple of the ways to exercise (listed above) to your daily routine to keep moving. Don’t forget, working with a licensed physical therapist can also help you stay fit and healthy! Contact TheraFit today to find out how we can help you get back to an active lifestyle.

Get Your Hip and Knee Joints Moving Again with These 5 At-Home Exercises

Are your hips and knees feeling stiff, achy, or even painful? Noticing more discomfort in your joints when standing up and moving around? If so, you’re not alone.

This quarantine has taken a toll on many people’s bodies, as it has become much more difficult to maintain the same levels of physical activity at home. However, getting exercise is still very important - especially for your hips and knees!

Your hips and knees were made to move, and when we sit around without exercising them, they can lock up, become tight, and result in discomfort. You may be wondering how you can get the same workouts in your lower extremities without gym equipment - well, we’ve got you covered! Follow the exercises below for both relief and prevention for hip and knee pains - and, as always, if you have any questions about these exercises, don’t hesitate to call or message us.

5 exercises to stretch and strengthen the lower extremities

  • Hip Circles Hips bothering you while stuck at home? Try some Hip Circles! This easy-to-do exercise is exactly what it sounds like - simply lie on your side, raise your top leg and rotate your hip in a circular motion. Then, switch to the opposite direction. Begin by doing 3 reps of 10 with both legs - your hips will be feeling better in no time!

Here is a video for your reference: 

  • Straight Leg Raise. When stuck at home, sedentary tendencies can cause the knees and hips to lock up, resulting in pain. Get those joints moving again with a Straight Leg Raise. Simply lay flat on the ground and lift your legs until they are straight in the air at a 90 degree angle with the rest of your body. Repeat 3 reps of 10 for both legs. Bonus - this also works your abs!

Here is a video for your reference: 

  • Hip External Rotation Stretch. This is a great stretch for targeting both your hip and knee joints. Begin by sitting on the floor with your feet straight out in front of you. Then, bend one knee across the opposite leg and push down on said knee with your hand - you should feel this stretch in both your hips and knees! Repeat these directions on both sides to get a full stretch.

Here is a video for your reference:

  • Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch. If you are looking for a deep stretch, this is the one for you. Kneel on a mat or soft surface. Make sure you’re positioned so your right knee is straight up and the bottom of your right foot is flat on the floor. Extend your left leg behind you so the top of your left foot is flat on the floor. Begin to shift your weight forward and stop when you begin to feel the stretch in your hip. Hold for 30-45 seconds, then switch legs.

Here is a video for your reference: 

  • Standing Hip Flex. This one will surely get your blood pumping! Begin by standing up straight and then lift your right knee up in a 90 degree angle in front of you. Then, rotate your leg sideways while keeping that same position by shifting your hip muscles. Hold this position and then slowly rotate your hips back to the front and place your foot back down, flat on the ground. Repeat these same instructions with your left knee, completing 3 reps of 10 on each side. 

Here is a video for your reference:


Looking for more assistance with these exercises? No problem! If you have any questions about how to perform these exercises or add more into your daily routine, call or message TheraFit™ at any time. We are here to help you remain active, safe, and healthy at home!

Get Back to Comfort with These Back Exercises – All of Which You Can Do at Home!

Are you feeling back pain after being quarantined to your home? You may be wondering, “Why is this? I’ve barely left the couch!” Well, therein lies the issue.

The sedentary lifestyle that I’m sure many people have experienced since being quarantined to their homes can actually lead to more aches, pains, and discomfort than one may think - especially in the back.

Your body, quite simply, was made to move! With gyms and exercise classes closing down for the time being, it can be difficult to find the motivation to get your daily physical activity while sitting at home. Luckily, there are several easy exercises you can do on your own to relieve your back pain and get moving! 

Always exercise and stretch within your comfort zone. Never push into pain and if you are unsure of doing any of the exercises below, simply consult your physical therapist first.

6 exercises to stretch those back muscles:

  • Lumbar Rotation Stretch in Lying. Back giving you troubles? Try a Lumbar Rotation Stretch in Lying. Lying sideways with your top knee bent and bottom knee straight, gently rotate your torso so your head is facing the opposite direction of your legs. Hold the stretch and then switch sides. This will stretch out your back and get you feeling comfortable once again!

Here is a video for your reference:

  • Bird Dog (Leg Slide). With major businesses shutting down, we know how disappointing it is to not be able to attend the weekly yoga classes you enjoy so much. Fortunately, you can bring the same yoga stretches to your own home. Begin on the floor with your knees bent beneath you and your hands flat in front of you, so your back is flat toward the ceiling. Stretch your left arm out in front of you and your right leg out behind you, so your toes are pointing down at the ground. Hold this stretch and then repeat on the opposite side, with your right arm and your left leg. The Bird Dog (Leg Slide) exercise is great at targeting the back muscles to give you that relieving stretch you’re looking for! 

Here is a video for your reference:

  • Hip Bias Lunges (Back Heel Down). Who doesn’t love a good lunge? This is a great exercise to get you moving. As a bonus, it not only targets your back but also focuses on your knee muscles. Begin standing in a slight lunge position with one leg slightly bent out in front of you and the other leg straight behind you. Lean your torso forward so it is almost in a 90 degree angle with the floor (this will cause your back leg to bend, as well). Hold this stretch and continue reps on the side you are on, then switch sides repeating the same steps.

Here is a video for your reference: 

  • Standing Hip Abduction 45 Degree Angle Back Arom. This exercise may have a lengthy name, but we promise it’s not that difficult! For this exercise, you will need a chair or something else to steady yourself. Stand with your left hand on the back of the chair and place your right hand on your hip. Keeping your back straight and face forward, slowly kick your back leg out behind you until you feel the stretch in your back. Continue a few reps and then switch sides, placing your left hand on your hip and kicking your left leg out behind you. Make sure to always keep the opposite hand on the chair to steady yourself. 

Here is a video for your reference:

  • Standing Shoulder Flex/Hip Extension With Back Arch (Wall). Another exercise that has a lengthy name but is very easy to do! For this exercise, you will begin standing with your hands outstretched directly in front of you on a wall. In a fluid “swinging” motion, extend your right arm and left leg behind you so your back is arched, then bring them both toward the wall. Continue doing this in fluid motions. After a few reps, repeat this exercise on the other side of your body, with your left arm and right leg.

Here is a video for your reference:

  • Neural Mobility SLR (Outward Turn). Looking for a great way to stretch your back, legs, and glutes at the same time? This exercise is for you! Begin by laying down on your back with both arms clasped around your right hamstring. Raise that leg in the air, keeping the left one bent with your feet flat on the ground. Flex your right foot that is in the air so that the bottom of your foot is flat facing the ceiling, then point that foot so that your toes are straight up toward the ceiling. Then, slowly bring that leg back down to a bent position between your hands. Continue for a few reps and then switch legs, repeating the same steps.

Here is a video for your reference:


If you have any questions about any of these exercises or if you are looking for more ways to relieve back pain during the quarantine, call or message TheraFit at any time. We want to make sure you are as comfortable as possible while also staying active at home!

Relieve Your Arthritis Pains with Physical Therapy Treatments

Are you suffering from the aches, pains, and stiffness of arthritis? If so, you’re not alone. There are millions of people who live with arthritis, and it is no secret that it can limit your life. Fortunately, participating in regular physical therapy treatments can help manage your arthritis pain and reduce your symptoms. For more information on how our services can decrease or even eliminate your pain altogether, contact our office today!

What will I get out of a physical therapy program?

Physical therapy can improve your daily life by making it easier to live with arthritis. Just a few of the many ways this is accomplished is by:

  • Learning how to correctly use devices. A trained physical therapist can help you learn how to use orthotics, walkers, and any other assistive device correctly. This will help lessen the strain on joints when you move and ensure that you are using the devices safely.
  • Increasing your range of motion. A physical therapy program can help reduce stiffness by keeping both your muscles and ligaments loose. This will lessen your pain and improve your overall range of mobility.
  • Strengthening your muscles. When the muscles that surround and support your aching joints are stronger and more flexible, your arthritis pain will be much less severe. Physical therapy techniques can be used to increase strength, which in turn will relieve pain.

What exactly is physical therapy?

Unfortunately, there is not yet a known cure for arthritis. Physical therapy won’t reverse your arthritic condition, but it can help slow the process and decrease symptoms. Essentially, physical therapy can help you live more comfortably with your condition.

Your physical therapist will prescribe targeted exercises and stretches that will keep joints mobile and pain-free. He or she may also help you maintain a healthy body weight as needed, in order to decrease unnecessary strain on your joints.

Physical therapy may also help you avoid taking excessive amounts of medication in order to reduce your pain. A physical therapist is trained to evaluate your condition and provide the correct exercises to meet your needs. A common physical therapy exercise for arthritis patients is aquatic therapy, as working out in water allows for a soothing and non-impact exercise.

How can diet affect my arthritis?

Did you know that a healthy diet can help decrease arthritis pains? When you are experiencing pain and inflammation, it is important to stay away from foods containing high levels of sugar, MSG, and refined carbs. Some foods that can help ease your symptoms include:

  • Ginger. Ginger may be able to help reduce inflammation and alleviate arthritis pain. It also adds incredible flavor to almost any food, including soups, fruits, veggies, and meat.
  • Soy. Soy is high in protein and low in fat, and it is also a great tasting way to fight inflammation. You can get your soy through tofu, soy milk, or roasted soybeans.
  • Broccoli. Broccoli has an ingredient called sulforaphane, which has the ability to slow down or even prevent osteoarthritis. Broccoli is great served hot or cold, in salads, or as a casserole.
  • Walnuts. Much like the nutrients you find in fish, walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation. Walnuts can be eaten alone or added to almost any sweet or salty dish.

The goals of a physical therapist:

Physical therapists are trained in multiple different methods of treatment. One of the most common treatment methods for arthritis is massage, as it is a great way to loosen up the stiff or inflamed muscles and tendons around the arthritic joint(s). Additional treatments may include ice and heat therapies, ultrasound, or laser therapy as your physical therapist deems fit. These all help in decreasing inflammation, relieving pain, and loosening up tight muscles.

One of the many goals of a physical therapist is to help you achieve the most active lifestyle possible for your condition. Just because you have arthritis doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the activities you love! Your physical therapist will design an individualized treatment plan for you, in order to keep your tendons, muscles, and joints working together in harmony.

Are you ready to relieve your arthritis pains? Contact our office today to get started on your journey toward long-lasting relief!


The Top 5 Best Ways Therapeutic Massage Will Benefit an Athlete

Any athlete will understand the importance of maintaining their health in order to keep up with the physical demands of their sport. If you’ve recently sustained an injury, it is important to make sure that you are keeping up with your physical therapy treatments in order to regain your optimum levels of physical function. Many physical therapy treatment plans will incorporate therapeutic massage as a way to relieve pain and promote healing. There are several benefits to therapeutic massage – here are the top 5:

1. Therapeutic massage improves posture.

When coupled with other kinds of physical therapy, massage can do a lot of good for your posture. Massage helps bring your body into an optimal place of alignment, which can naturally improve your posture. Better posture has multiple benefits for athletes. When you maintain a proper posture, your body can move at its peak at all times — which means you’ll be playing your sport with a bit of a natural advantage built in.

2. Therapeutic massage increases circulation.

Regular massage during your physical therapy program can considerably improve your circulation. Better circulation means that your muscles get the blood supply needed in order to prevent stiffness and tension. Your muscles will work and feel better after a therapeutic massage.

3. Therapeutic massage decreases scar tissue.

When you’re injured, your body forms adhesions around the injury, which are bands of tough scar tissue. These adhesions can cause serious pain, restrict your movement, and delay your recovery for a lengthy amount of time if they are not treated. A therapeutic massage can efficiently deal with those adhesions. Your physical therapist can use specific targeted techniques to unbind your muscles and break up the adhesions. This is an important component of your physical therapy program because being adhesion-free is essential for both pain relief and for your range of motion.

4. Therapeutic massage improves the immune system.

Sickness can be extra hard on athletes. Just one bad cold or flu can keep you out away from the sport you love for weeks — and you might not feel your best for quite some time after that, as well. Fortunately, massage helps boost your immune system’s natural defenses. During a massage, your body is prompted to power up its natural cytotoxic capacity, which means your immune system will be able to fight off illness, germs, and bacteria more effectively.

5. Therapeutic massage relaxes muscles.

While muscle relaxation is the best-known benefit of massage, it takes on a whole new importance for an athlete. Muscle pain, soreness, and tightness are all things that you expect as an athlete — but the good news is that you can greatly decrease these issues with regular therapeutic massage. Even after you’ve completed a physical therapy program following an injury, you could still benefit from regular massages with your physical therapist.

Confirm your appointment today:

Keeping your body in a strong condition is a large part of being an athlete. Physical therapy can help you with that. Your physical therapist will asses your condition and prescribe the best treatment plan for your needs. Therapeutic massage can help you feel your best, even if you only participate in treatments once or twice a month. By taking the time to improve your physical health, you’ll be able to perform at your optimum levels of function.

Do you want to relieve your pain, recover from an injury, or simply improve your athletic performance? Contact us today to confirm your appointment and find out for yourself how therapeutic massage can benefit you!


Wondering How You Can Reduce Your Joint Pain and Improve Your Mobility? Try Physical Therapy

It’s true that as we all age, our joints very plainly are not what they used to be. Joint pain can occur for several reasons, such as a previous injury that has limited your motion or the general “wear and tear” of osteoarthritis that typically comes with age.

Whatever the case may be, physical therapy can help. Schedule your consultation with TheraFit™ Physical Therapy today to find out how you can live your life to the fullest, free from persistent aches and pains.

What physical therapy treatments will I be prescribed?

Two of the main goals of physical therapy are to relieve your pain and improve your range of motion. A physical therapist strives to help increase your overall health and wellness - and because of this, an individualized treatment plan will be created for your specific needs. Your treatment plan will be dependent upon the nature of your condition, symptoms, lifestyle, and overall health. Your physical therapist may choose to incorporate any of the following:

  • Joint mobilization techniques. Joint mobilization techniques can help improve your pain-free range of motion and increase your function. You may also benefit from techniques aimed at breaking up internal scar tissue, which can form over old injuries and cause chronic stiffness.
  • Stretching exercises. Stretching exercises help injured muscles and connective tissues heal back to their former length and range of motion. These exercises are also good for keeping arthritic joints from becoming stiffer.
  • R.I.C.E. RICE stands for "Rest," "Ice," "Compression," and "Elevation." If you are nursing an acute joint injury, your physical therapist will likely prescribe this protocol in order to reduce pain and swelling.

Why did my joint pain develop?

Joint stiffness and pain can develop due to a vast number of reasons. For example, in an acute sprain or strain, the muscles, tendons, or ligaments or the joint may be damaged. This can result in painful and immobilizing inflammation.

However, injury to the soft tissues doesn’t have to occur in a dramatic accident — it can also develop slowly over several weeks, months, or even years. If your chosen sport, job, or hobby causes you to repetitively overstress certain joints, you may end up with chronic tendinitis or bursitis. Sometimes, you can even develop soft tissue pain from doing nothing. For instance, a condition called adhesive capsulitis, also known as "frozen shoulder," can cause your shoulder to become unusable if you've had your arm in a sling for a long time.

Perhaps the most common cause of joint pain and stiffness is osteoarthritis. Everyone gets older, and this condition usually stems from age-related deterioration of the cartilage between the bones in a joint. Another common form of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, which is a painful and damaging joint condition caused by autoimmune issues.

Get started on your treatments ASAP!

If you’re still looking for a way to reduce your joint pain and improve your mobility, look no further! Our licensed and dedicated physical therapists at TheraFit would be happy to meet with you for a consultation to discuss how our advanced methods can help you find relief. Schedule your consultation today to get started on the right track toward treatment and a pain-free life!

Tired of Medications? Find Relief with Physical Therapy

Pain can put some extreme limits on your life. While medication can provide temporary relief, it doesn’t actually solve the problem of your pain; rather, it merely masks the symptoms. If you have been living with acute or chronic pain and you’re looking for a natural way to successfully treat your symptoms, contact our office in Hazel Green, AL today!

A natural alternative to medication:

For many people, even the thought of exercising can make them cringe due to the pain they are feeling. However, physical therapy exercises are one of the absolute best treatments for chronic pain. By participating in a physical therapy routine, you will see just how effective exercise can be for all types of chronic musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain. Just a few of the many conditions that can be treated through physical therapy include:

A physical therapist has a wide variety of treatment options to offer for pain. Just a few of the common methods and modalities that physical therapists use include manipulation of the joints and bones, movement therapy, massage therapy, microcurrent stimulation, and cold laser therapy. All of these treatments help in relieving pain, reducing inflammation, accelerating healing, and improving daily function.

The risks of pain medication:

Taking pain-management drugs as a way to rid yourself of pain may seem like a good solution in the short-term, but it has many disadvantages in the long-term. Over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen can lead to undesirable side effects. For example, taking excessive amounts of aspirin can cause your stomach to bleed and can lead to kidney damage. Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen can also both cause both kidney and stomach problems.

However, prescription opioids like codeine, oxycodone, and morphine are perhaps the worst. These are habit-forming drugs that can lead to addiction. They are also responsible for an additional number of side effects, include respiratory depression, constipation, anxiety, and nausea. Several people also overdose on opioids each year, either due to addiction or a gradually increased intake in order to relieve pain. Not only does taking meds for pain just mask the problem, it just may cause you another one.

What will your treatment plan look like?

Physical therapy is the ideal way to alleviate your pain and decrease your recovery time. A physical therapist can identify where your pain is originating and treat it accordingly, in order to correct the condition. At your initial appointment, you will undergo a comprehensive physical assessment to determine the best course of action for your specific needs. From there, an individualized treatment plan will be designed for you.

Physical therapy treatments are both passive and active. With passive treatments, the main focus will be on relieving your pain through specifically selected methods and modalities. This may include ice and heat therapies, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, or any additional technique that your physical therapist deems fit. With active treatments, the main focus will be on improving your strength, range of motion, and flexibility, in order to help you regain your optimum levels of function. This will include targeted exercises and stretches, as well as any other accommodations forms of exercise (such as aquatic therapy or balance boards) that your physical therapist deems fit.

Don’t struggle with pain and harmful medications any longer. Instead of settling for masked symptoms, contact our office to treat them the right way. Our licensed physical therapists at TheraFit™ are seasoned in the field of movement and mobilization, and they would be more than happy to help you achieve a full recovery. Live your life to the fullest by scheduling a consultation today!


5 Quick Tips for Less Pain and More Energy

Millions of individuals live with varying degrees of pain while also experiencing limited amounts of energy. There are several quick and effective ways you can increase your energy levels while reducing pain. Incorporating physical therapy into your regular routine is one way to limit pain. Call TheraFit™ Physical Therapy for more information regarding the use of physical therapy for pain relief.

1. Change Your Diet

What you eat can have an enormous impact on how much pain you experience and the amount of energy you have throughout the day. There are several foods that can help reduce pain and inflammation while also raising energy levels.

  • Cherries – Eating cherries is a delicious way to increase antioxidant levels, which can reduce inflammation and inhibit pain.
  • Ginger – The ginger plant, which is often used as a spice, can help reduce migraine pain, muscle achiness and nausea.
  • Salmon – This wonder food provides omega-3 fatty acids that aid in reducing neck, back and joint pain.
  • Hot Peppers – Even a half-teaspoon of powdered pepper each day may help reduce arthritis pain.

2. Check Your Mattress

You spend approximately one-third of your time sleeping. This means the quality of your mattress can affect how you feel during your waking hours. While it used to be believed that a firm mattress was usually better for those suffering from most types of pain, you’re now recommended to choose a mattress according to your sleep style.

  • Firm Mattress – Those who sleep on their back may feel better with a medium to firm mattress.
  • Soft Mattress – Side sleepers generally will want to try a softer mattress.
  • Memory Foam – Individuals who tend to toss and turn and sleep in a variety of positions should try a memory foam mattress.

3. Boost Natural Endorphins

Exercise can release endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals in the body that can naturally reduce pain. It may seem more difficult to exercise while experiencing achy joints and muscles, but even a moderate amount of physical activity can help you feel better long after your workout is over. Other ways to naturally release endorphins include listening to your favorite music, eating chocolate and smelling the soothing scent of lavender.

4. Reduce Stress

Stress can contribute to both emotional anxiety as well as physical pain. You need to have several quick stress-busters in your bag of tricks to reduce anxiety whenever it pops up. A warm bath is a quick way to instantly soothe aching muscles and joints while calming your nerves. Even simple breathing techniques can limit pain and energize your body. Take two or three deep breaths, and then slowly release them. Always make sure to breathe through your nose to get the most benefits.

5. Visit a Physical Therapist

Physical therapy can do wonders for addressing pain and limited energy. A trained physical therapist can offer several types of methods to not only provide pain relief for symptoms but to treat the source of your pain. Some of the specific treatments a therapist might use include the following:

  • Heat or Cold Therapy – Heat can warm tendons and muscles so they move easier. Ice can reduce inflammation.
  • Massage Therapy – A physical therapist can massage and manipulate specific joints and muscles to reduce pain.
  • Aquatic Therapy – Water can stimulate nerves and provide resistance for exercise and strength training.
  • Ultrasound – Ultrasound produces sound waves that can assist in blocking pain signals to the brain.

Incorporating these tips into your daily routine can help reduce the amount of pain you’re experiencing while providing an energy boost. Contact our Fayetteville or Hazel Green office today to find out how physical therapy can be part of helping you enjoy a pain-free life!