Improve Your Posture and Relieve Your Back Pain Today!

According to a longitudinal study, approximately 3% of all emergency room visits tend to be the result of back pain or injury. Back pain is the most commonly reported area of pain, which can cause significant limits to one’s daily life.

It is common for back pain to develop as a result of poor posture. If your posture is not correct, it can cause stress on other parts of your body, resulting in pain, inflammation, or dysfunction. Fortunately, posture can be improved with the help of physical therapy.

To learn more about how we can help improve your posture and relieve your back pain, contact TheraFit™ in Hazel Green, AL, and Fayetteville, today.

Why did my posture decline the way it did?

Poor posture isn’t anything to be embarrassed about - very few people have perfect posture, and most people partake in bad posture habits in one way or another. We become so wrapped up in whatever tasks we are doing that we forget to think about the way our bodies are positioned.

Maybe you’re completing a project at work, it’s the end of the day, you’re tired, and you’re slouched sideways in your desk chair with one eye on the monitor and the other on the clock. This position isn’t normal for your body, but you are getting in the position most efficient for you to type up the rest of that file and then zoom out the door.

Poor posture isn’t due to laziness or apathy; rather, it generally has something to do with a physical weakness within our bodies. We slouch, slump, hunch, and droop over when we get feel drained because our bodies literally get tired of holding us up.

Even if you exercise regularly, it is possible that there are still a few weak muscles contributing to your posture that you may not even realize. The muscles in your shoulders, back, abdomen, buttocks, and pelvic floor all play an important role in your posture. If even one of these is weak, your core will be affected, and your posture may suffer.

So, what exactly is going on with my back?

If you are suffering from persistent back pain, there is a good chance it is due to your posture. Poor posture is one of the most common causes of back pain. Do you slouch at your desk? Do you lean forward to read emails? Do you hunch over your keyboard? These are all things that people do subconsciously, without even realizing the toll it takes on the body.

Your posture affects how your body moves - whether you’re sitting, standing, walking, running, jumping, or performing pretty much any other task throughout the day. Your posture may also change depending on what you are doing - perhaps your posture when you stand is perfect, but when you sit at a desk or lay down, your body begins to hunch and fold in ways that it is simply not supposed to.

Get your posture back to normal with us!

Our physical therapists are highly experienced and dedicated to helping patients relieve pain and improve their posture. When you arrive for your first appointment, your physical therapist will conduct a comprehensive exam to find out where your pain is originating and what the best treatments will be for relieving it.

Your physical therapist will design a treatment plan based on your specific needs. This will focus on relieving your pain, improving your strength, and enhancing your posture as quickly as possible. Depending on the nature of your condition, treatment plans may also focus on mobility, balance, flexibility, or stability.

Is your posture causing your back pain? Contact TheraFit in Hazel Green, AL, and Fayetteville, TN today to find out. We’ll provide you with the treatment you need so you can get back to your pain-free life!


Is Stretching a Real Form of Exercise?

You probably already know there are a ton of different factors that contribute to maintaining your health. Getting a full night’s rest, staying hydrated during the day, and eating well-balanced meals are the most commonly shared tips when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, maintaining your heart health and nervous system. However, this is just scraping the surface, as there are so many other aspects of your body that need full support.

It’s not easy to maintain an ideal health, but paying attention to stiff joints and sore muscles will pay off in supporting you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. One of the most fundamental aspects of physical therapy is stretching, and for good reason! Even though most people look at stretching as a pre-workout or post-workout activity, stretching actually has a long list of benefits that should be taken into account if you’re looking to improve your health.

Some of the basic benefits to stretching are as follows:

  1. It can improve your mental health. Stretching your muscles is very helpful in alleviating physical and mental tension.Alleviating tension in the muscles is helpful in alleviating tension in the mind. Yoga is a particularly popular form of stretching which focuses on mindfulness and meditation during stretching processes.
  2. It can help you prevent the need for surgery. Stretching provides our bodies with a means to keep our muscles warmed up and ready for exercise. This in turn decreases the chances of a muscle strain or sprain, and therefore also cuts down on the chance of you needing expensive surgery to repair the injury.
  3. Your range of motion will improve. Stretching regularly helps your muscles to extend fully, which can improve your range of motion over time! This means you’ll be more flexible, and it’s also very helpful with the prevention of injuries as well.
  4. It relieves muscle pain and tension. Stretching helps to alleviate muscle pain and discomfort throughout your body. Certain stretches are meant to help relieve back pain, some are meant for shoulder or neck pain, and so on. It’s a good idea to consult a physical therapist first about specific issues with pain before practicing targeted stretching exercises at home by yourself.
  5. Blood circulation will be improved. Your heart and musculoskeletal system will be improved by stretching regularly. Sometimes muscles can become extremely tight, and won’t receive enough oxygen. This can be painful. Stretching improves blood flow to your joints and muscles, further reducing your risk of being injured.

Getting Started With A Stretching Routine

Make sure when you start to stretch that you have plenty of space around you to move. Using a yoga mat is a great option to create a safe and supported area where you can gain traction easily. Remember to wear loose clothing so as not to constrict your limbs; you’ll be able to move much more freely!

As you stretch, remember to drink lots of water as well. Stretching might not feel like an intense exercise like running or doing push-ups, but it’s still very important to stay hydrated and support your muscles. To get more information on starting a good stretching routine, contact our office to make an appointment with a physical therapist. Contact us today! 

Stop Relying On Opioids To Manage Your Pain. Physical Therapy Can Help!

Do you depend on drugs like oxycodone or hydrocodone just to make it through your day without crippling pain? Do you find yourself watching the clock anxiously until it’s time for your next dosage? If you answered yes to either of these questions, it’s possible you’re on the brink of opioid dependence.

You might be wondering how these drugs are affecting your long-term health, and with good reason! Opioid dependence can be a deadly situation.The good news is that you can kick your dependence on opioid drugs without ending up trapped by debilitating pain, thanks to the solutions provided by physical therapy. Contact our physical therapy office today to get started on this healthy, drug-free approach to pain management.

What Are Opioids, And How Do They Work?

Opioids are strong painkillers that are often prescribed to offset the effect of severe chronic pain. Traditionally, they are derived from substances in the poppy plant. Morphine, oxycodone,codeine, and hydrocodone are opioids that can relieve pain where other drugs fail.

It is common for doctors to prescribe these to patients dealing with pain due to cancer, acute injuries, and neurological or musculoskeletal pain. Subsequently, they can also produce feelings of euphoria, which in turn makes them substance that is extremely abused and addictive in both legal and illegal forms(such as heroin).

By attaching to opioid receptors in the brain and other structures of the body, opioids prevent the receptors against receiving pain signals. Simultaneously, the opioids trigger the release of large amounts of dopamine, a substance that gives a feeling of pleasure.

The Danger of Opioid Addiction

Opioids do more harm than good. These drugs are so effective at seemingly “getting rid of” the pain, but unfortunately, the painkilling and pleasurable benefits of opioids come at a terrifying price. The issue is that people become addicted to opioids because of the euphoric highs they experience while using them.

As a result of long-term opioid usage, the body builds up a tolerance to the drugs, and then will require larger doses in order to achieve the same effects. This ultimately leads to a very strong, very dangerous level of addiction.

It’s no surprise that more than 11 million Americans abuse opioids. Sadly, escalating tolerance levels in opioid users can result in them taking a fatal dose. Two-thirds of all overdose deaths in the U.S. are related to some form of opioid.

Physical Therapy Can Kick Opioid Dependency.

Opioid dependence can be avoided. Physical therapy is an excellent and safe alternative to drugs. An experienced physical therapist can prescribe you customized treatment method that will help joints move more freely, loosen tight muscles, reduce inflammation, build up muscle strength, and help decrease the effects of neurological problems (for example, herniated discs and pinched nerves).

Physical therapy might be for you if:

  • You’re having issues with addiction and depression or physical side effects as a result of continued opioid usage (or you want to avoid these issues altogether!)
  • You have a chronic, incurable pain condition that might otherwise you to use opioids for your entire life
  • You have musculoskeletal or neuromuscular pain
  • Treating the underlying cause of the pain, instead of simply numbing it, is your ultimate goal

Even if your pain cannot be depleted entirely through physical therapy, treatment may still ease your symptoms enough so that you don’t have to take the maximum dosage of painkillers any longer. However, please be aware that if you’re currently dependent on opioids, your doctor must supervise any changes in dosage.

Your opioid dependency can stop today. Call our office to set up a time for a consult with one of our physical therapists about drug-free pain management options.



How Can Physical Therapy Can Give You Relief From Hip and Knee Pain?

Do you find yourself saying “no” to certain activities because of your hip or knee pain? Physical therapy may be a great option for you, whether your pain is experienced when you’re sitting or moving. We want to help you get back to your regular routine, so be sure to call our office for a consultation with a licensed physical therapist, and learn how we can help relieve your pain.

Why Is Hip and Knee Pain A Serious Problem?

The hips and knees are the largest joints in your body. They work closely with each other for optimum mobility and to support your body’s weight. Needless to say, they have a pretty big job to do, so it’s important they’re performing at their best.

What Are Hips and Knees Made Of?

Your knee is comprised of several ligaments and muscles Knee pain is actually the second most common cause of chronic pain. Failing to address this kind of pain can cause huge issues in your life.

Your hip joint consists of two parts: the femoral head and the acetabulum. The femoral head is the round, “ball-shaped” piece of a bone, and the acetabulum is the socket the femoral head fits into. Ligaments connect the femoral head to the acetabulum.

Just like the knees, hips are complex, and both types of pain can affect people at any age.

What Kinds of Knee Pain Are There?

Knee pain can be a direct side effect of any number of injuries or diseases. It can also come about as a result of a car accident, a bad fall, or a sports related injury. Some of the most commonly experienced types of knee pain include:

  • Gout
  • Ligament strains and sprains
  • Overuse (example: too much running on rough, hard ground)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Anterior injuries
  • Fractures around the knee

Knee pain can affect your overall mobility as well as reduce your strength and affect muscle control.

What Kinds of Hip Pain Are There?

You might have pain in your groin area or right inside your hip if there are issues with your hip joint. If the pain is on the outside of your hip, it probably is due to issues with your tendons, muscles, and ligaments. It might even be hard for you to stand up if you experience hip pain. Hip pain can also be a result of the following conditions:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sprains
  • Hip fracture
  • Sciatica

Physical Therapy Can Help Alleviate Your Knee and Hip Pain

If any of the conditions or symptoms above apply to you, it’s a good idea for you to see a physical therapist. Your therapist can do an in-depth evaluation of your gait, palpate, range of motion measurements, and run a series of mobility tests to form a custom treatment plan for your hip or knee pain.

Not all treatment plans are created quite the same. Different issues might require other kinds of therapy, such as heat or ice therapy, exercises, and ultrasound therapy. Research shows that joint mobilization techniques can help with long and short-term ailments involving the hip. Even better — there is usually improvement with overall mobility as well!

If you’re suffering from hip or knee pain, make sure you call us to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced physical therapists. They can help reduce or even eliminate your pain, so that you can go back to living a pain-free lifestyle.


Staying Healthy As We Age: The Importance of Physical Activity

It’s pretty common to be less active the older we get, but if we want to remain as healthy as possible, we must incorporate as much physical activity into our daily lives as we can! Thankfully there are many easy ways to increase your levels of activity that most people can include in their every day routine. Call TheraFit™ today for more information about how you can increase your physical activity and lead a healthier life.

How Can I Increase My Physical Activity?

Below are seven great ways to add more physical activity into your routine.

  1. Bike Rides - Do you live in a rural area? If so, great! This is a wonderful opportunity to get your bike out of the garage and go for a spin. Even if you don’t live in a rural area, no worries. Lots of suburban/urban areas have bike trails and paths. Bike riding is a fun and easy way to get a good workout into your day.
  2. Adopt a Furry Pal - Getting a dog can keep you active and provide numerous health benefits, (especially if it’s a puppy, they have lots of energy and encourage you to get out and exercise with them!) If you own a dog already, make sure you're walking your pet every day. The Mayo Clinic even suggests borrowing a dog if you don't have one, so ask your friends if you can spend some time with Fido when they’re busy!
  3. Stairs Instead of Elevator - If you live in an apartment building or work in a high-rise building with tons of floors, you definitely have a good opportunity to get a work out in. Even if you only have a few flights to go, over time it’ll make a noticeable difference.If you’re coming back from lunch with a friend, tell them you’ll meet them at the top and then take the stairs!
  4. Park Farther Away - Do you run a lot of errands every week? Although it might seem like a great idea to find a spot as close to the front of the store as possible, parking in a spot far away provides an extra opportunity to get some walking in for the day.
  5. Sitting on the Floor - This is a great option for when you’re folding laundry, watching TV, or enjoying a book. Sitting on the floor isn’t just for kids! It can increase your activity level even as an adult, because you’ll find that you naturally stretch your limbs and move more to reach things while sitting on the floor.
  6. Swap Out Your Riding Lawn Mower - Using a push mower to cut your grass is a great way to get this chore accomplished while also getting in some daily activity. Strengthen those muscles!
  7. Stand Up - If you work sitting in front of a computer for most of the day, you should consider getting a standing desk that lets you stand up while you work. If you don’t have a standing desk, getting up and walking around every half hour to hour or so will really improve your overall level of physical activity.

How Do We Become Inactive?

There are few causes of inactivity, which can include everything from a busy schedule to a physical condition that prevents you from being as active as you should be. If you don’t engage in enough physical activity, you might struggle with weak muscle tone or aching joints. According to the Arthritis Foundation, the more inactive you’re being, the easier it is for you to become tired. There are lots of other physical ailments that come with inactivity, such as:

  • Weakened Bones
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Poor Blood Circulation
  • Increased Inflammation/Swelling

Make sure you’re getting enough activity in every day to avoid these issues!

Physical Therapy Can Help You Lead a More Active Lifestyle!

If you’re suffering from side effects of an inactive lifestyle, physical therapy could be the answer. A physical therapist can provide manual therapies that will not only increase your flexibility, but also improve your range of motion. They can also give you at-home exercises to do as well! Most likely, you will have a physical therapy program created especially for you and your needs.

If you want to lead a life without pain and stiffness, then it's important to stay as active as possible. You want to keep your muscles, tendons, and joints flexible! Try adding a couple of the ways to exercise (listed above) to your daily routine to keep moving. Don’t forget, working with a licensed physical therapist can also help you stay fit and healthy! Contact TheraFit today to find out how we can help you get back to an active lifestyle.

Suffering from Sciatica Pains? Find Relief Today

Lumbar radiculopathy, commonly referred to as sciatica, is a common condition that many people experience. It occurs as a result of irritation to the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve of the body. It stretches from the lumbar spine through the buttocks, and pain from irritation is typically felt in the lower back. However, sciatica pain can also ensue in the buttocks, thigh, or lower limbs, which can pose challenges in mobility. Sciatica is commonly caused by a herniated disc; however, a back trauma or disc degeneration can also result in the condition.

Treating sciatica with physical therapy:

A physical therapist may use several types of treatments to reduce your sciatica pain and symptoms. Active treatments include motions, stretches, and specific exercises, aimed at reducing pain and accelerating healing. A physical therapist will also teach you different motions that you can do at home in order to manage your pain. If a physical therapist discovers any weak muscles, you will be given corrective exercises for core strengthening.

The strengthening exercises in your physical therapy treatments focus not only on the lower back, but also on the hip muscles, abdominal muscles, and glutes. All of the exercises you participate in will help strengthen the spinal column (including your tendons, ligaments, and supporting muscles) while also keeping the spine in proper alignment.

The stretching exercises in physical therapy target muscles that are inflexible and tight. Hamstring stretching is an important part of a physical therapy treatment program to alleviate sciatica. An aquatic exercise program may also be recommended by a physical therapist. You can do exercises easily with the buoyancy of water.

Passive treatments may include massage therapy, ice and heat therapies, electric therapy, or ultrasound. All of these different modalities help reduce pain, stimulate blood flow, and accelerate healing. Massage therapy is typically conducted for sciatica relief, as it helps alleviate sciatic nerve pain. It loosens up tight back muscles that may be pressing on the sciatic nerve, and it increases the release of endorphins for pain relief. Ice and heat therapies are also common, as they help ease pain, relax muscles, and reduce inflammation. Electrotherapy may also be applied, which uses electricity to also aid in reducing pain, strengthening muscles, ramping up circulation, and improving physical function.

Do you have sciatica?

Sciatica is diagnosed through a physical examination and an evaluation of medical history. A CT scan or MRI may be also be performed, in order to locate the root cause of sciatica. According to Move Forward PT, “Conservative care like physical therapy often results in better and faster results than surgery or pain medication.” Once you are diagnosed with sciatica, a physical therapist will work with you to manage and relieve the condition. This includes:

  • Increasing strength.
  • Improving motion.
  • Reducing sciatica pain.
  • Educating you on how to stand, bend, and twist.
  • Improving flexibility.
  • Returning to normal activities.

Schedule your consultation today:

If you are looking for an effective, safe, and non-invasive approach to sciatica treatment, physical therapy is your best option. PT treatments work to target the root of the problem by applying extensive assessments, in order to determine the best individualized treatment plan for every patient’s needs. These will be dependent upon the severity of each patient’s condition and will help to relieve pain and improve function.

Physical therapy is one of the most successful ways to treat sciatica. In addition to in-clinic treatments, your physical therapist will also provide you with targeted stretches and exercises you can do at home, in order to combat any sciatica pains you may feel in the future. Your risk of sciatica can be significantly reduced by practicing proper body mechanics, maintaining proper posture, and staying in shape, with the help of your physical therapist.

If you have been living with sciatica, or you think you may be experiencing sciatica symptoms, don’t hesitate to schedule your consultation today. Our licensed physical therapists will meet with you to perform a comprehensive exam that will help determine what the best treatment plan will be for you. Don’t let your sciatica pain dictate your life any longer – find relief today with physical therapy


Get Back to Your Daily Life Quicker with Pre-hab

It is common knowledge that post-surgical rehabilitation is necessary following almost any surgical procedure. This rehab is performed after surgery as a way to enhance the recovery process and help patients regain their mobility.

But did you know you can also participate in rehab treatments before your surgery? Pre-surgical rehabilitation, commonly referred to as “pre-hab,” is a way to help speed up your recovery time even more and make the surgery itself easier on your body. Pre-hab has been proven to both reduce recovery time and improve the overall outcomes of the surgery.

If you have a surgery coming up and you’re looking for an effective way to prepare, contact us today to consult with one of our licensed physical therapists about pre-hab.

The many benefits of pre-hab:

Pre-hab has been proven to significantly enhance the recovery process for those who decide to partake in it. In fact, in a study published by the Arthritis Foundation, three universities in Boston demonstrated that patients who engaged in pre-hab had much better outcomes following surgery.

Working with a physical therapist before surgery makes it possible to get out of the hospital faster. For example, studies done on knee replacement patients concluded that the patients who went through pre-hab treatments before their knee surgery were able to meet the requirements to get out of the hospital much quicker than those who did not go through any physical therapy prior to surgery.

In most cases, knee replacement patients must walk a certain distance and travel up a certain amount of stairs before they can leave. For patients that have worked with a physical therapist before surgery, meeting these requirements is easier to do. Their bodies are stronger due to physical therapy; therefore, they are able to recover much faster.

What’s the difference between rehab and pre-hab?


It is completely normal to feel some pain and discomfort following surgery. It may feel difficult to make certain movements, and you will likely have to limit your physical activity for a set amount of time after your procedure. However, it is important to make sure you are still getting the movement you need, so you can regain your optimum function following surgery. This is where rehab comes in.

Rehab is a must following surgery. A physical therapist can help you move safely, in ways that will fight inflammation and keep adhesions from forming. Rehab treatments with a licensed physical therapist will also help increase your strength, so you can get back to your normal life after surgery.


Pre-hab with a physical therapist helps you get a jump-start on the recovery process, and it can allow for a more successful surgical process. It reduces inflammation and increases strength, which can make the job of the surgeon (and your body’s natural healing response!) much easier. While rehab works to strengthen your body after surgery, pre-hab works to strengthen your body before the surgery.

Spending even a few sessions with a physical therapist will help improve your overall health before undergoing your procedure, so you’ll have more strength stored up to help you along your recovery. Instead of starting out rehab feeling fully depleted, you will already have some built-up strength to make the process much easier on yourself.

Make the most of your surgery:

The benefits of pre-hab treatments are immeasurable Contact us today to schedule your appointment and find out how our pre-hab services can help you. Our dedicated physical therapists will create a personalized treatment plan for your specific needs, in order to improve your strength before your surgery. If you want to get back to your daily life quicker by ensuring a quicker recovery rate and smoother outcome, don’t hesitate to contact us! Make the most of your surgery by participating in pre-hab treatments today.


Treat Your Back and Neck Pain with Our Advanced PT Methods

Did you know that studies say approximately 90% of people will be plagued by back or neck pain at some point in their lives? While it is a common complaint, it can sometimes be difficult to determine where the pain is originating on your own.

Sometimes pain in one area can travel to another part of the body. For example, if your pain is originating in your back or neck, it can sometimes also be felt in the head, arms, or legs. As pain progresses, it is possible for it to travel further from where it is rooted. Fortunately, physical therapy can help you manage your pain, and in many cases, eliminate it altogether. To find our how our advanced physical therapy methods can benefit you, contact our office today.

The benefits of physical therapy:

Physical therapy for back pain and neck pain is focused on the structures that support the spine. This includes the tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. Your treatment will include both active and passive forms of physical therapy, in order to achieve optimum relief, function, and injury prevention for the future.

Active physical therapy for neck and back pain typically includes specific exercises, stretches, adjustments, in order to manage or relieve your pain altogether. In some cases, aquatic therapy may be recommended, as the buoyancy of water takes pressure off of the cervical and lumbar spine while you’re performing the exercises.

Passive physical therapy includes different modalities, such as massage therapy,  ice and heat therapies, ultrasound, or electrotherapy. Massage therapy is used to reduce pain and relax the muscles. Ice or heat therapies help to reduce swelling and pain, in addition to increasing blood flow for healing. With electrotherapy, electrical impulses are sent to the sensory nerves, in order to alter pain signals. It’s a mildly warm sensation that reduces pain and relaxes muscles.

How can I get started?

Before your physical therapy treatments even start, a physical therapist will perform an examination to determine the root cause of your back or neck pain. A strength test will be performed and a goniometer may be used to measure your range of motion. You will be asked to perform certain tasks in order to determine your functional mobility.

Spinal mobility will be also measured through palpation, in order to locate sore or tight muscles. Your full medical history will be evaluated, in addition to your symptoms, in order to determine the nature and severity of your condition. Once your examination is complete, your physical therapist will design a personalized treatment plan that will target the cause of your back or neck pain and focus on providing relief.

What will my treatment plan look like?

There are several different causes of back and neck pain, which is why our dedicated physical therapists take the time to design an individualized treatment plan for each patient. Some of the most common conditions leading to back and neck pain are:

  • Sprains and strains. It’s not uncommon for athletes to incur sprains and strains to the neck or back regions when engaging in sports.
  • Sudden traumas or injuries. Sudden damage to the neck or back, such as a sports collision or whiplash, may result in back or neck pain.
  • Improper posture. Poor posture can cause unnecessary strains on the back and neck, resulting in pain and discomfort.
  • Disc herniation. A herniated disc occurs when the gel-like material of the disc bulges or leaks out.
  • Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the “wear and tear” on the facet joints, which causes friction when bending. This can also result in a pinched nerve root, which can cause sciatica.
  • Degenerative disc disease. Degenerative disc disease occurs when there is “wear and tear” on the spinal discs.

Whatever the cause of your back or neck pain may be, physical therapy can help. If you’ve been limited by pain, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced and caring physical therapists. Don’t let your pain dictate your life – seek treatment today to relieve your condition and live comfortably once again!


The Top 5 Ways Proper Posture can Help Alleviate Back Pain

Everyone has heard the importance of sitting or standing up straight. However, maintaining proper posture at all hours of the day is usually easier said than done.

Many people experience back pain due to poor posture. Sitting and standing up straight allows for proper spinal alignment, which can prevent back pain. However, it can be difficult to get in the habit of practicing proper posture if you are already in the habit of slouching or hunching over. Fortunately, physical therapy can help correct your bad posture habits and help you incorporate healthy ones into your lifestyle through targeted strengthening exercises and stretches.

If back pain has been limiting your life, don’t wait to find relief. Schedule your consultation today and see how our services can help treat your back pain while simultaneously improving your posture!

How can proper posture relieve back pain?

Your spine is designed to operate in a very specific way. When you move, sit, and stand in ways that disrupt the correct operation of your spine, you may eventually create undesirable problems over time.

With the help of your physical therapist, practicing good posture is one way that can work with your spine in order to minimize your back pain. Physical therapy treatments will provide educational resources for good posture and will help you discover several healthy movement patterns for relieving pain. 5 of the greatest benefits of maintaining proper posture include:

1. It helps improve physical function.

When we think of posture, many of us picture an image of static positions – such as sitting at a desk or standing up straight. However, proper posture can be (and should be) incorporated into everything we do.

Through physical therapy treatments, your physical therapist will guide you on how to maintain proper posture during all of your favorite activities, such as walking, running, and playing sports. The improved posture you adopt in each activity will lessen the wear and tear you put on your spine, which minimizes the risk of developing back pain from these activities.

2. It prevents damaging changes to the anatomy of your spine.

The ways in which you use your spine can actually cause changes to your anatomy. The stress caused by sitting hunched can eventually lead to damage of your muscles, joints, spinal discs, and the nerves and blood vessels that travel through your spine. Fortunately, in many cases, the damage can be reversed if you engage in targeted physical therapy treatments and learn how to maintain proper posture.

3. It enhances blood circulation.

When you maintain proper spinal alignment, your veins are not constricted by the pressure of your vertebrae. Your spine contains numerous components that all require good circulation, in order to operate correctly and regenerate from damage.

When your physical therapist guides you through different physical therapy exercises to help with your posture, your alignment will return to the intended shape required for optimal circulation.

4. It increases your strength and flexibility.

If you have struggled with poor posture for a while, there is a good chance that it will be difficult to maintain proper posture in the beginning. It may take some time in physical therapy to gain the strength and flexibility necessary to keep your ideal posture. Fortunately, the work you do with your physical therapist to achieve your physical goals will lead to greater overall fitness. The stronger and more flexible you get, the less likely you are to suffer from back pain on a regular basis.

5. It helps you avoid pain from improper techniques.

Good posture is a vital component of lifting objects without injury. When you lift and fail to use good posture, there is a much greater chance that you will wind up hurting your back.

Ask your physical therapist about proper lifting posture. He or she can show you how to lift correctly and guide you through some exercises to clarify the right posture.

Find relief today:

Are you ready to improve your posture and relieve your back pain? If so, call to confirm your appointment today! We’ll help you get started on the right track toward a pain-free life. Your back will be happy you did!


Are You Experiencing One of These 5 Common Shoulder Injuries? Find Relief With PT

Physical therapy is used to treat any sports injury, workplace injury, or musculoskeletal condition you may be experiencing. It is a natural, safe, and effective way to treat both acute and chronic pain.

One of the most common reasons people seek the help of a physical therapist is to manage chronic shoulder pain. There are a number of different reasons why shoulder pain may occur, and it can greatly limit your everyday life. If you have been experiencing shoulder pain, or decreased function within your shoulder, don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

5 of the most common shoulder injuries:

The average person probably doesn’t give much thought to their shoulders as they go about their day. However, your shoulders actually do quite a lot of work to help you complete everyday tasks, and if they become strained or injured, you could be left experience severe shoulder pain. Some of the most common causes of shoulder pain include:

1. Tendon tears

The tendons in your shoulder can tear as the result of an acute injury or certain degenerative conditions. The natural aging process, sudden injuries, and overuse often cause the tendons to split or tear. Whether a patient is experiencing a partial or a full tendon tear, the pain can be extremely intense and it may require regular appointments with a skilled physical therapist.

2. Bursitis

The shoulder is a complicated joint that is made up of an intricate network of moving parts. One of the key components that make up the shoulder is called bursa. The bursa contains tiny sacs of fluid that work to keep the shoulder joint lubricated. If the bursa becomes irritated or inflamed, you can develop bursitis, and you will need to schedule a physical therapy appointment as soon as possible.

3. Tendinitis

Tendinitis is a common condition that causes inflammation in the shoulder area, and it has been known to send many people straight to a physical therapist in order to find relief. The condition typically affects those who are physically active or people who work at a job that requires them to complete repetitive motions. For example, if you’re an athlete who plays tennis, or if you work as a professional painter, you could be at risk of developing tendinitis in your shoulder. If you are at a high risk of developing tendinitis, it is important to remember that along with physical therapy, resting your shoulders regularly can help to prevent chronic pain.

4. Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder typically occurs after an injury or alongside another shoulder condition. Most physical therapists recommend that patients with frozen shoulder get plenty of rest in-between physical therapy appointments, in order to avoid developing scar tissue in the shoulder. If scar tissue does develop, the muscles surrounding the shoulder could eventually freeze up as well, restricting your full range of motion and resulting in chronic pain.

5. Impingement

Shoulder impingement can occur when the top part of the shoulder blade puts excessive pressure on the underlying soft tissues in the arm when it is lifted away from the body. As the arm lifts, the shoulder blade rubs against the tendons and bursa. If left untreated, impingement in the shoulder can result in bursitis and/or tendinitis.

Schedule a consultation with us today:

If you have sustained one of the injuries above, or if you’re looking for assistance with a difference shoulder pain condition, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Physical therapy is the ideal way to treat shoulder pain in people of all ages. Our dedicated physical therapists will address your condition and design the best treatment plan for your specific needs!
